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Top 10 Amazing Features Introduced By Flutter 2.0 In 2021

Top 10 Amazing Features Introduced By Flutter 2.0 In 2021

Recently Google has launched the Flutter 2.0 version with some incredible features. In an event named “Flutter Engage”, the core team released the news. The news has delighted everyone concerning the digital world. Flutter has again reached a milestone with the release of version 2.0. The Flutter team has said that Flutter 2 has been invented to help developers create and develop new applications enriched with excellent fixes and features. The release of the Flutter 2.0 version was accompanied by the release of the Dart 2.12 version. The companies need to hire flutter developers india more to upgrade their performance. This step will help in the progressive and fast development of cross-platform applications.

In this blog, we will discuss the Flutter 2.0 version and what are the new features added to this version. You must hire flutter developers to upgrade your version as well.

What is Flutter 2?

Flutter 2.0 is the latest version of Flutter applications created by the Google team. The major contributors, in this case, are Xu-Baolin and a14. With this invention, Flutter has become able to close around 25000 issues, merged around 17,000 PRs from 756 contributors. To date, Flutter 2 release seems to be the most celebrated issue, as said by Flutter’s Product Manager Tim Sneath. Flutter 2.0 version is a result of a successful team effort. It has become very necessary to hire developers to get an effective outcome. To hire dedicated flutter Developed India has also become an important issue at present.

The open platforms enable the users to help in the platform improvement. Flutter has been upgraded to this level due to its tireless efforts.

What Are The New Features in Flutter 2 ?

The New Features in Flutter

  • Null Safety

As previously mentioned, the release of Dart Language along with the Flutter 2.0 launch strengthens the whole system with strong null safety. This safety measure allows the developers to resist the null error crash, which is the most common reason behind the application crash. With the incorporation of null checks into the system, the developers can notice the errors beforehand. Flutter 2.0 is fully supported by null safety. Strong null safety also prevents the developers from time waste in unnecessary null checks. At present, all the major packages are planned to shift to null safety. The safety measure also helps in shortening the code size with the removal of extra check processes.

  • Web Support

Web Support

One of the most exciting outcomes of the Flutter 2.0 version is the web support quality. This achievement has changed the framework from document-centric to application-centric. This release has made possible the reuse of the same code on the web. This feature upgrades Flutter with an advanced platform API to create 2D and 3D graphics, different types of layouts leading to a high-performance rate. This feature adds Canvaskit-based and HTML renderer. The latest release has introduced Link Widget, through which a developer can add a web-like feel on a desktop.

  • Desktop Use

We are glad to introduce Flutter’s desktop support to the developers. The desktop support is available with stability under any early release. We are always ready to offer you the chance to give your new desktop use a try as a development factor for your flutter service. The Desktop system has gone through several large and minor improvements to be more qualified.

This release is aimed at previewing applications that are meant to run on the desktop. In this case, the desktop is equipped with a whole new category of machines and widgets, like TreeView and DataTable, have been designed for desktop support. The Flutter also helps in the easy resizing of Windows and macOS. This way, Flutter offers the developers a native-like app experience. Developers can search for information about beta channels if they attempt to try the beta for the Flutter desktop.

  • Platform Adaptive Apps

With the latest release of Flutter 2.0, Flutter supports three platforms of applications like Android, Web & IOS and other three in beta, namely windows, Linux and macOS. The Flutter Folio scrapbooking app has been launched to enable an app to adapt to different form factors, different input modes and different idioms. Folio is an example of an application that you need to run on all platforms with a single code. This version looks good on any screen size and works beneficially on keyboard, touch, and mouse input.

  • Google Mobile Ads to Beta

Google Mobile Ads to Beta

We are happy to introduce to you an open SDK beta version for Flutter. The beta version is a plug-in that helps with the inline banner and native ads. This feature helps to customize any ad with Ad manager and Admob. The beta allows the developers to cope up with multiple scenarios. An incredible increase in CTR and eCPM has been noticed due to the use of Google Mobile Ads.

Mobile app developer

  • Autocomplete and ScaffoldMessenger

Currently, developers can use new widgets like Autocomplete and ScaffoldMessenger to build new mobile apps on Flutter. These two widgets help in auto-complete features and scaffold transitions.

  • Multiple Flutter Examples with Add-to-App

Flutter 2.0 has enabled the developers to use the same code multiple times to create mobile applications for android and iOS. You can use the Add-to-App feature to add Flutter into an existing application. This feature will help you to work on two platforms using the same code. As Indian people use mostly android mobile phones, it has become very important to hire dedicated flutter developers India.

  • Flutter Fix Tools

A team of expert developers has upgraded the latest version of Flutter. The number of community members has reached nearly 5 million. The unchangeable fix tools of Flutter can solve any problem.

  • FlutterDev Tools

With the release of the new version, the name of DevTool has been changed to FlutterDevTools. The unique design allows the AndroidStudio or Visual Studio Code to check debugging. This tool possesses the capability to identify an image with a higher resolution.

Read More: Top 13 Flutter App Development Tools For Developers In 2021

  • Latest iOS Features

Latest iOS Features

We are in the continuous process to enhance the support quality for other platforms. The release has brought 178 PRs merged with iOS features. 23495 carries the State Restoration to iOS, 69809 updates the CocoaPods version to match the latest tool, and 67781 fulfills the request to create an IPA from the command line directly without the help of Xcode.


We have offered you a detailed description of the features and functions of the Flutter 2.0 version. India stands in a good position in application development. We need to hire dedicated developers in India to improve the performance and outcome.

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Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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