Start-Ups: Find The Right Technology Partner To Stay In High Spirits Forever

Start-Ups: Find The Right Technology Partner To Stay In High Spirits Forever
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If you are a startup you must have an idea about all the lacking your company needs to deal with at the initial stage of business operation. As startups are often in need of resources, getting technical solutions from other organizations can be relatively easier. This is why make such an important niche for many technology companies and solution providers all over the globe.

Whether as a startup you are keen to work on your long-cherished app development idea or an innovative hardware project, having some future-ready technology companies on board can provide you with great advantages. With just the right technology partner or development company or solution provider, any of your unique ideas can flourish and grow.

How can you find the right technology for your startup company? Who are the solutions providers or development companies you should look for? Apart from evaluating your specific requirements, you need to take several aspects into consideration.

Key Challenges for Startups

Key Challenges for Startups

Any startup faces an overwhelming range of challenges. The challenges include lack of resources, skills, experience and expert professionals to get an in-house solution ready. Many companies from a non-tech background just fail to come up with their own development team. The principles reasons for this also explain the key challenges faced by any startup. Let’s have a look at these challenges.

  • Expert professionals with a solid track record in working with successful projects are less likely to join a startup.
  • It takes some deeper experience and practical knowledge to know what type of solution can really deliver competitive growth opportunities.
  • It demands robust investment, workplace environment and seasoned professionals to carry forward an ambitious project. Unfortunately, most startups often lack such things.
  • Startups have the least market exposure and that seriously limits their possibilities to get help from other developers and techies in the field.

The Key Advantages Of Bonding With The Right Tech Partner

Since a startup finds itself in a difficult position to develop technology solutions in-house, bonding with the right tech partner seems to be the only credible solution. Such a partnership with the right tech company offers an array of advantages. Let’s have a look at few of them.

  • Shaping The Unique Ideas Into Powerful Products: You can have a unique app idea that according to you can sweep over the market overnight and get viral. But, coming to execution and development you find yourself in a clueless situation. This is where an experienced development company as your technology partner can play a great role in shaping the idea into a successful app or digital product.
  • A Plethora Of Technologies To Choose: Any non-technical business needs to start from the basics when engaging in the development and execution of digital applications. They do not have any idea of the tools their intended project needs. This is where a tech-partner can help in executing the development. Your tech partner helps you to choose the right technology for your startup business.
  • Agile Development: Start-ups often requires a lot more than enough time for building simple things and just because of their inexperience they often end up building faulty apps. A tech partner, on the other hand, helps in building applications and technology solutions with less room for bugs and errors. They ensure thorough agility throughout the development process.

Do The Key Responsibilities Startups Need To Take?

Now that we have a gross idea of the shortcomings startups need to deal with, we need to understand the key ways a technology company can help a startup. Let us briefly mention a few of them here below.

  • A correct understanding of the requirements of the development project in hand
  • Taking a call on the right technology stack for the project
  • Shaping the concept through mockups and wireframes
  • Assuring scalable and reliable development
  • Delivering superb visual design and usability experience
  • Conducting manual and load testing

The Key Considerations To Find The Ideal Tech Partner

Now that you have known getting the help of the right tech partner is invincible for a smooth journey and continuous growth, you need to consider the important qualities for a tech partner. Let us explain here the key considerations to find the ideal tech partner for your startup.

  • Required Experience: The first thing to ask is whether the developers or the development company have the required experience for the project in question.
  • Project Expectations: As a non-tech startup you have an idea of the app product you want to build. Question is, could you communicate the same to your tech partner and does it understand your expectations when raking up the project.
  • Keeping Up With The Trends: Another important consideration will be keeping up with modern development and design trends. Does your tech partner have in-depth knowledge about the latest trends and how they can benefit similar projects?
  • Able And Efficient Human Resource: Now you need to ask the tech partner whether they have sufficient talents for the project and whether at the right time and place the human resource can be made available.
  • Context-Aware Solution: If you are building a solution for your existing clients, you need to ask whether they are designed and built to cater to the right context of the users.
  • Meeting Deadlines And Milestones: It is also important to ask your tech partner whether they can finish the project in time and whether they adhere to the project milestones.

Key Success Factors For Startups

Key Success Factors For Startups

After going through all the discussions about how to select a tech partner for your startup and what are the key things you need priorities, it is also important to have a right idea about the key success factors for any startup business. Let’s have a brief look at these success factors that every startup should give priority.

  • Pick The Right Time To Enter The Market: This old principle for entrepreneurial success applies even more with startups. A startup just cannot unroll a service prematurely when the market is still not ripe for the solution.
  • Get A Neat Team Sharing The Same Vision: For a new digital product to get successful you need to have a neat team of experts, developers and strategists who feel aligned with your vision accordingly provide their inputs.
  • Have A Scalable Sales Model: When unrolling your new digital product you also need to have a fully scalable sales model that can reach out to intended audience beating the constraints of time and place. All the variables that affect your business operation should be taken care of.
  • A Leadership Open To Listen And Learn: While the leadership should have firm beliefs on the project objectives and the ways it can make value additions to the lives of the customers, the leadership should be completely open to listen and learn from its team members and discuss their inputs.
  • A Reserve Fund For Contingency: A startup is always likely to bear the constraints of the fund and this can prove detrimental to a project when sudden necessities arise. This is why they need to have a contingent fund ready well in advance.
  • A Reliable Support System In Place: An entrepreneur’s life like many others is always vulnerable to misfortunes, stress and unpredictable circumstances that suddenly can put his business and existing projects into jeopardy. This is why a startup always needs to have a support system in place to meet the demands of such a situation.
  • Integrating Core Value: Every successful business revolves around a core business value that its consumers reckon with. A startup from the early stage of their operation needs to internalize this value as part of their operation and offerings. Your startup idea cannot be without a value proposition for your customers and all stakeholders.


Every successful business started as startups and overtime went to become global brands and phenomenal success stories. This could not be possible without a meticulous and thoughtful approach to make things work by bringing together the efforts and inputs of talented professionals in a collaborative mechanism. This is why finding the right partner is so important for any startup.

Are you looking for the right technology partner for your startup company? Over the years, we contributed immensely to the success of many startups. Feel free to drop us a message and let us help you find the right technology solutions for your business.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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