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Know more about NodeJS

Know more about NodeJS

NodeJS is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for running JavaScript code on servers. It uses the Google V8 JavaScript engine to execute code and a large percentage of the basic modules. It contains a built-in library to enable applications to act as a Web server without software such as Apache HTTP Server or IIS. It works on a non-blocking I/O model which makes it secure, usable, and ideal for the data-intensive real-time applications that have to perform in varied environments. If you are up to building a real-time web application with multiple concurrent attributes you’ll definitely benefit from Node capabilities, especially in terms of efficient performance and easier development processes.With so many business benefits you should hire a NodeJS developer to see how it can add value to your business.

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NodeJS is one of the core player of popular MEAN stack which includes MongoDB, Express.JS, Angular.JS, Node.JS. Above infographics will provide a basic comprehension of what and Why of NodeJS which is really a great technology option available for enterprise web platform development.

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Written by Kapil Antala

Kapil Antala is a Design Lead at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading UI/UX Design Services Company with 12+ years experience. Kapil firmly believes that design is an art, which requires scientific execution to bring commercial results. He leads execution of Design Driven Engineering (DDE) at CMARIX for web, mobile and custom software development services.

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