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Have you heard of iBeacons? It’s not part of the coffee-table discussion yet, though it will be in some an opportunity to come. There are a lot of stuff Apple works upon and a significant number of these are under-the-implementation, affecting how the technology works.
iBeacon technology, trademarked by Apple for an indoor positioning system which runs on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). This innovation was known as a new class of low-powered, minimal effort transmitters that can inform nearby devices of their presence. They can likewise be utilized by the Android operating system as well. This enables the device to send push notifications in close accessibility. Bluetooth Low Energy matters to individuals who utilize iBeacon devices in their stores. Mobile apps on compatible devices are able to recognize for signals from beacons placed in the physical world and then trigger an experience via the application. For example things like sending a notification, coupon, video, form, URL or other forms of media that are relevant to a person’s exact location.
There are two main elements in every iBeacon system: the transmitter which is altered in a place and your iPhone with its Bluetooth ON which behave as the recipient
iBeacon devices along with iBeacon Mobile App development have opened up the vast scope of opportunities.
With mobile app-based start-ups growing at unprecedented speed iBeacon might just be the element required to provide a competitive advantage to your mobile application. iBeacon is a promising step towards an essential and productive industry, it is exciting to know how this new innovation will shape the way custom applications improve our daily experiences.
Written by Atman Rathod
Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.
Have you heard of iBeacons? It’s not part of the coffee-table discussion […]