14 Reasons Why iOS App May Get Rejected By The App Store

14 Reasons Why iOS App May Get Rejected By The App Store
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Mobile App startup ecosystem is growing with leaps and bounds and iOS App has been leading the market since the early days. Apple has always been very precise in terms of their overall standards and policy which we need to comply to ensure an iOS application is accepted by the App Store. It has a highly selective review process which aims to ensure that all apps that appear on their store are on top-level in terms of content, usability, and design. If your app doesn’t meet the criteria of their review process then the app gets rejected.

Apple has some highly trained people who follow strict developer’s guidelines as a part of the App review process. It is a hybrid process which ensures manual as well as an automated review process. Bugs are among the major reason for App rejection. Apple rejects some of the applications because of the third-party SDK used in it, which indeed is the breach with the company’s privacy and security. A couple of months ago, first open standard approach ACE (App Configuration for Enterprise) established for configuration and security of mobile apps. In this approach, a standard is set for the application that how much information an application can take from the user.

App Store Rejection

Following are some major reason why your iOS App might be rejected from the App store:

1. Crashes and bugs:

No one like Bugs and a mobile application which crashes! During the app testing if it crashes then it will be rejected. Hence before submitting your app in-store test your app on multiple devices and especially in varying network condition.

2. Not using Apple’s In-App Payment:

While making an iOS application, if your application is having inApp purchase mechanism it is vital to ensure you use Apple’s in-App purchase system. In case you have implemented any third-party system for that, it’s a sure way of getting your App rejected.

3. Broken links:

All links in your app must function properly. A link to user support with up-to-date contact information is required for all apps. If your app provides free subscription or auto-renewal than you must provide a private link with that.

IOS App Developer

4. Content place holder:

Check your image and content before sending the app for review. Because if the content of placeholder is not ready than this type of apps are not acceptable.

5. Incomplete information:

Provide all the details that are needed to review your app. If any feature requires login then provide an authorised demo account for login. If any feature which would be hard to replicate then provide demo video, so that it becomes quite easy for the user to access that feature. Make sure you provide correct and updated Contact Information.

6. Improper Description:

The description you provide should be clear and correct, it should convey the proper functionality of your app. This helps users to understand your app which provides you positive app experience.

7. Privacy policy is not there:

If your application provides any registration form or login form for already register user than you have to provide privacy policy in your app and also the link on that sign-up page.

8. Imperfect User interface:

Make sure your UI is clean, refined and user-friendly because Apple puts a high value on this type of UI and Apple’s design guidelines. To read more about the same, please refer here.

9. Deceptive User:

Provide the features that you promised. Don’t confuse the user; deliver the functionality which the user requires from your app.

10. Very Slow App:

Yes, time is money. Apple has set high standards for application and the entire ecosystem. If your application is taking more time to load chances are very high of having an eyebrow raised by Apple. Ensure web services are fetching data in the most optimum way, the database is optimized and coding best practices are implemented to have enhanced app performance.

11. Copyright violation:

Incase Apple guys find out any sort of copyright violation, you will have a sure shot violation.

12. Not taking User approval:

In case you are tracking specific user behavior like location, it is important to get their approval prior to that.

13. Lack of Value:

With more and more mobile applications out there in the market, it is important that your iOS App provides specific value. In case it is not serving any purpose or tangible benefit, there is no point having it on App store and chances are very good for not having approval from Apple.

14. Name Mismatch:

As funny as it sounds many App gets rejected because the name which they display on the Apple store description & the name which they have in App icon is different.

iOS App development is a very creative process and it is vital to ensure you choose the right development company for having your mobile application designed and developed. Pro-actively ensuring you follow the best practices for iOS App development significantly reduces your chancing for having any app store rejection.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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