Know More: iOS App Review Process

Know More: iOS App Review Process
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Smartphones have become part of our everyday life. We do a lot of things using it like booking a taxi, ordering pizza, chatting with friends or even managing a software project. With such diverse usage mobile it is very interesting to understand the entire process of how the mobile application development once completed is launched.

Apple mobile app development ecosystem is different from Android. It has more regulations & precisely defined standards of what is acceptable & what is not. This is clearly reflected based on the type of applications you see into the Apple store. Apple is extremely particular about the prevalence and finesse of the applications when they are introduced for review. Apple’s application review process is highly regulated and well structured. Your mobile application can be rejected due to several reasons whereby your mobile application is not compliant with App store review guidelines. As indicated by Apple, just about 14% of applications rejected is because of inaccurate or deficient information.

Following are the major reasons cited for rejecting mobile app during the review process:

Bugs Issue

If there are bugs or sudden crashes in the app they can confront rejection by Apple. It is important to cross check the app for crash issues and bugs before final submission.

Awful Links

Please ensure that all the support links and other subscription links are working correctly. Broken or awful connections can be rejected by Apple.

Wrongful and Insufficient Information

Developers need to give complete contact details and a valid username and password for signing in the process. All these data are checked and cross checked by Apple while assessing the application. One shouldn’t neglect to incorporate required details to be incorporated into the setup classification.

Fragmented & Misleading Content

App developers need to ensure, whether they have included complete pictures, texts, and necessary videos in the application. Apps with the ‘in progress’ sign are viewed as deficient and not prepared for placeholder content appropriation. Any application with deceiving content that imprecise user can be rejected. It is very important to Apple that the application is able to match user’s value perception and expectancy.

Sub-Standard User Interface (UI)

Apple has always been design centric company. Like their other products it is very important to Apple to ensure that the application designed & developed for Apple store matches their design standards. Anything which doesn’t explicitly matches their defined standards gets rejected.

Infringement of Rules

An application needs to maintain all the rules and directions determined by Apple’s Guidelines in terms of design, development and copyrights.

Display of Ads

Apple is extremely specific about the best possible presentation of ads and can dismiss any application that neglects to show advertisements in an appropriate way. Developers need to showcase advertisements and test them on a few different gadgets before joining them into their applications.

Engaging Content

The applications should be useful and engaging. Creative elements of iOS must be used appropriately to make incredible and quality content with the best web intuitive capacities. Exhausting and dull content have a fear of rejection by Apple.

Comparative Apps

If developers continue submitting comparable sort of applications with same elements or purpose, they are certain to be rejected. Making applications with diverse subjects and functionalities is the way to acceptance.

How more Review time is Challenge for iOS Developer

App review times for both new and redesigned applications have been a noteworthy agony point for developers focusing on iOS App development. It is an extremely time-consuming process to submit an application, face rejection from Apple, fix the issue & re-submit it again. Although Apple’s review procedure has forced a great extent of quality control measure, these long review times have always been a challenge. Waiting 10 days to amend a bug in your code or adjust to an API change which cuts down your application will basically delay the overall process.

How Shorter Review Time Is Bliss

As per the most recent figures which are unofficial, Apple has cut down the overall review time to a lively two days by and large. This brings a huge relief to App developer’s who are constantly bringing our new versions of existing iOS App or making a new iOS Application. With a very fast-growing iOS App ecosystem, we are very positive about this new change & believe it will provide more momentum to entrepreneurs to build great apps – much faster!

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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