  • Technology Angular, Node, MySQL
  • Industry Printing
  • Built For Web Users
  • Access USA

Automating the Future: BioTef's Journey with CMARIX

BioTef, a frontrunner in the custom product labeling sector, joined hands with CMARIX to redefine their digital landscape and optimize their label printing operations. Aiming to serve a broad spectrum of clients with high-quality labeling solutions, BioTef envisioned a robust web application as the cornerstone of this initiative. CMARIX, renowned for its prowess in web design and development, emerged as the ideal collaborator for this ambitious endeavor. Together, they set out to develop a web application that not only expanded BioTef's market penetration but also delivered an unparalleled user experience.

BioTef's Quest to Overcome Labeling Challenges in the American Market

Supply Chain Disruptions

Inconsistent supply of labeling materials and delays in the supply chain can lead to operational inefficiencies.

Lack of Traceability and Quality Control

The absence of a unified system for tracking and managing labels can result in errors and recalls.

Labor Shortages

Inconsistent supply of labeling materials and delays in the supply chain can lead to operational inefficiencies.

Technical Debt from Mergers and Acquisitions

Companies that have gone through mergers or acquisitions often have disparate labeling systems, leading to inefficiencies.

Heavy Customization and Integration Issues

Over-customized systems can make it difficult to integrate new solutions or upgrades, leading to longer development times.

RFID Implementation

With mandates from big retailers like Walmart, the need for RFID labeling is increasing, requiring new infrastructure and technology.

Regulatory Compliance

Keeping up with the ever-changing regulations for product labeling in the USA can be a daunting task.

Environmental Concerns

The push for sustainable and eco-friendly labeling solutions is a growing concern in the industry.

Lack of Automation

Manual processes are prone to human error and are less efficient compared to automated solutions.

CMARIX & BioTef: A Blueprint for Success in Custom Product Labeling


Needs Assessment

CMARIX initiated the project with a comprehensive needs assessment to understand BioTef's unique challenges and objectives.


Quality Control

Features like automatic label approval were implemented to ensure only approved labels enter production, thereby reducing reprints and recalls.


Cloud Integration

To enhance agility and scalability, cloud storage applications like Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive were integrated.


Unified Supplier Network

A web-based interface was created for suppliers to access and print approved labels, enhancing traceability and reducing errors.


User-Centric Design

A user-centric approach was adopted to ensure the system met the needs of both BioTef and its diverse clientele.


Regulatory Compliance

A compliance module was included to ensure all labels meet the ever-changing regulations in the USA.


RFID Implementation

In line with industry trends, RFID labeling capabilities were incorporated into the system.


Automated Label Printing

To address labor shortages and human errors, an automated label printing feature was developed.


Technology Stack

The technology stack was carefully chosen to ensure scalability and performance. Given that CMARIX doesn't do Automation Testing, quality assurance was conducted through rigorous manual testing.


Agile Methodology

Given your role as an Agile Project Manager, CMARIX employed Agile methodologies to ensure flexibility and adaptability throughout the project lifecycle.


Strategic Planning

Given your role as an Agile Project Manager, CMARIX employed Agile methodologies to ensure flexibility and adaptability throughout the project lifecycle.


Stakeholder Engagement

Regular consultations were held with BioTef's key stakeholders to ensure alignment with business goals.

From Concept to Code: How CMARIX Engineered BioTef's Digital Transformation

Technical Audits

CMARIX conducted technical audits to assess the existing infrastructure and identify gaps.

Architecture Planning

A detailed system architecture was designed, keeping scalability and performance in mind.

Real-Time Notifications

Utilized Angular's real-time capabilities to provide instant updates and notifications to users.

API-First Approach

An API-first approach was used to ensure seamless integration between the frontend and backend.

DevOps Integration

Continuous integration and deployment were implemented to ensure quick releases and updates.

Dynamic Label Designer

A feature-rich label designer was developed, allowing users to create and customize labels with ease.

User Dashboard

A comprehensive dashboard for tracking orders, approvals, and other key metrics.

Performance Tuning

Backend services were optimized for performance using Node's non-blocking I/O features.

Automated Workflow Engine

Developed an automated workflow engine for label approval and printing processes.

Data Analytics Module

Incorporated a data analytics module for real-time tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs).

Manual Testing

Rigorous manual testing was conducted to ensure the highest quality, as CMARIX does not engage in Automation Testing.

Microservices Architecture

Given the complexity of the project, a microservices architecture was adopted for better modularity and easier maintenance.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Implemented RBAC to ensure secure and restricted access to different modules.


Developed RESTful APIs for seamless data exchange between the frontend and backend.

Architecting BioTef's Digital Ecosystem: A CMARIX Case Study

System Architecture

The system was designed using a Microservices Architecture, which allows for modularity, scalability, and easier maintenance. Each microservice is responsible for a specific functionality, such as label design, order management, and analytics.

API Gateway

A centralized API Gateway was implemented to manage requests and route them to the appropriate microservices.

Database Sharding

To handle large volumes of data efficiently, database sharding techniques were employed.

Load Balancer

A load balancer was integrated to distribute incoming application or network traffic across multiple servers.

Frontend Architecture (Angular)

Component-Based Design

The frontend was developed using Angular's component-based architecture, allowing for reusability and easier maintenance.

State Management

NgRx was used for state management to handle the application's global state efficiently.

Lazy Loading

To improve page load times, Angular's lazy loading feature was implemented.

Backend Architecture (Node)

Event-Driven Architecture

Node's event-driven, non-blocking I/O model was leveraged for efficient handling of concurrent requests.


Custom middleware was developed for tasks like authentication, logging, and data validation.

Asynchronous Operations

Node's asynchronous capabilities were utilized for tasks that require non-blocking operations, such as file uploads and third-party API calls.

  • printing-process

    Simplify Your Printing

  • printing-process

    Cloud Enabled Digital Platform

  • printing-process

    Quality Guaranteed

  • printing-process

    Logistics Optimized & Simplified


Core Technical Features and Functionalities

Frontend (Angular)

  • Dynamic Label Designer

    Allows users to create, edit, and preview labels in real-time.

  • Interactive Dashboards

    Provides a 360-degree view of all key metrics, including order status, pending approvals, and inventory levels.

Backend (NodeJS)

  • Automated Workflow Engine

    Manages the entire lifecycle of a label, from creation to printing to archiving.

  • Data Analytics Module

    Real-time analytics and reporting features, including custom dashboards for different user roles.

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

    Ensures that users have access only to the modules and data they are authorized to view.

  • RESTful APIs

    Facilitates seamless integration with third-party services and ensures that the frontend and backend can communicate effectively.

Potential: Key Features Developed by CMARIX for BioTef


Dynamic Quote Generation

Allows end-users to fill out a step-by-step form for custom quotes.

Features like shipping details, SKU selection, and artwork upload are included.


Order Management

Admins can view, edit, and manage orders..

Features like importing CSV files for bulk order management are included.


Product Management

A comprehensive dashboard for managing product inventory.

Allows admins to perform CRUD operations on product listings.


Activity Logs

A feature that tracks all activities performed by different customers.

Provides a detailed log including the activity, updated data, and timestamps.


My Orders Section

A dedicated area for users to track their orders, with real-time status updates.


Product Inventory Management

Users can view, add, and manage their product listings, complete with SKU, material type, and other relevant details.


Requirement Gathering

Detailed sessions with BioTef to understand the specific needs and challenges.


System Design

Utilizing UML diagrams and other design methodologies to outline the system architecture.


Development Sprints

Agile development sprints with regular stand-ups to ensure the project stays on track.


Quality Assurance

Rigorous testing phases to ensure all features are up to the mark.


Visual Design


The Backbone of BioTef: Backend Functionalities Developed by CMARIX


User Management System

Super admin can manage different user roles, permissions, and profiles.

Features like password reset, role assignment, and activity tracking are included.


System Logs and Monitoring

Detailed logs of system activities and errors.

Allows super admin to monitor system health and performance metrics.


API Management

A robust API management system for third-party integrations.

Includes features like API key generation, rate limiting, and usage tracking.


Automated Billing and Invoicing

Generates automated invoices for each transaction

Allows super admin to view, edit, and manage billing details.


Data Analytics Dashboard

A comprehensive dashboard that provides real-time analytics.

Includes features like sales tracking, user behavior, and inventory status.


Backup and Recovery

Automated backup systems to ensure data integrity.

Features like data restoration and disaster recovery are included.


Security Features

Includes features like two-factor authentication, data encryption, and regular security audits.



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Color Styles

  • #3CBA58
  • #33434F

Tech Stack

  • Frontend

    Angular: Used for building the user interface and handling frontend logic.

  • Version Control

    Git: Used for source code management.

  • Database

    MySQL: A relational database used for storing application data.

  • CI/CD

    Jenkins: For continuous integration and continuous deployment.

  • Project Management

    Jira: For tracking development tasks and sprints.

  • Backend

    Node.js: Serves as the backend engine for handling business logic and database operations.

3rd Party APIs

  • Payment Gateway

    Stripe API: For handling online payments and subscriptions.

  • Shipping

    Shippo API: To manage shipping rates, labels, and tracking.

  • Analytics

    Google Analytics API: For tracking user behavior and generating reports.

  • Cloud Storage

    AWS S3 API: For storing files, images, and other static assets.

  • Email Notifications

    SendGrid API: For sending transactional emails and notifications.

  • SMS Notifications

    Twilio API: For sending SMS notifications for order updates and verifications.

  • Authentication

    Auth0 API: For handling user authentication and authorization.

  • PDF Generation

    PDF.js: For generating invoices and other PDF documents.

  • Geolocation

    Google Maps API: For location-based features like store locators.

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